Apply for services


Overwhelmed with critical home repairs? In need of accessibility modifications?       

You've come to the right place.



How to Qualify for Services

1) Homeowner(s) must own and live in the home that will be repaired.
2) Homeowner(s) must be current on their mortgage payments.
3) Homeowner(s) should remain in their home for at least two years following the completion of repairs.
4) Homeowner(s) must not own more than one property.
5) Applicant’s home equity value must be under $400,000.
6) Total household income must not exceed the amounts listed. Income from all residents in the home must be included in the total. 
*If you are a homeowner in the City of Gaithersburg you may be eligible under the Homeowner Repair Program. For more information click here.


Number of People in Home Total Income
1 $54,150
2 $61,900
3 $69,650
4 $77,350
5 $83,550
6 $89,750
7 $95,950
8 $102,150








Como Calificar para Servicios

1) El/Los propietario/s debe(n) poseer y vivir en la casa en la que se harán las reparaciones.
2) El/Los propietario/s debe(n) estar al día con los pagos de la hipoteca.
3) El/Los propietario/s debe(n) permanecer en la vivienda por un mínimo de dos años tras la finalización de las reparaciones.
4) El/Los propietario/s no debe(n) poseer más que una propiedad.
5) El valor patrimonial del aplicante debe ser inferior a $400,000.
6) La suma total de los ingresos domésticos no debe exceder los límites enumerados abajo. Los ingresos de cada inquilino deben ser incluidos en el total.


Personas en Casa Ingreso Máximo
1 $54,150
2 $61,900
3 $69,650
4 $77,350
5 $83,550
6 $89,750
7 $95,950
8 $102,150


Know family members, friends, neighbors, or community members who may benefit from our services?


If you are a member of a non-profit organization looking to apply for facility repair services, please click here.


For more information about applying, email or call:


Office: (301) 947-9400 ext. 111